WOUDC System Switchover 13 May 2025
2025/02/22 new system, migration, WOUDC 2.0, OGC API, data access, search
We would like to to announce the official switchover of the WOUDC system, website and services to our updated platform on 13 May 2025. Over the past 24 months, the updated WOUDC website and API have been in public beta to allow for feedback and transition.
The WOUDC 1.x website and Web Services will be decommissioned on 13 May 2025.
We encourage all users to explore the beta website and API to familiarize themselves with the updates. Users are encouraged to provide feedback through the WOUDC email address.
New Release: EUBREWNET Search Integration
2020/12/17 eubrewnet,search
The 1.30 release adds the ability to discover and access data from the European Brewer Network (EUBREWNET). Users can search EUBREWNET from the Data Search / Download page, and download resulting data directly from EUBREWNET. Note that downloading data from EUBREWNET requires authentication. Please see the EUBREWNET website for more information.
Users are encouraged to provide feedback through the WOUDC contact form.
New Release: New and Updated Graphs
2020/03/02 data products,graphs,ozonesonde,total ozone,uv index,dataset information
The 1.28 release provides the following enhancements:
Users are encouraged to provide feedback through the WOUDC contact form.
New Release: Instrument Links, Data Search
2019/03/23 data access
The 1.24 release provides the following enhancements:
- station profile pages provide a direct link to all data within a given station/instrument
- the Data Search / Download instrument list has been fixed to reset when changing countries
Users are encouraged to provide feedback through the WOUDC contact form.
New Release: Data Search, Station Holdings, Validation, WIGOS
2018/05/17 data access,data validation,station,wigos
The 1.22 release provides the following enhancements:
Users are encouraged to provide feedback through the WOUDC contact form.
HTTPS updates
2018/02/03 system,website,https
As of 2018-02-21 WOUDC will transition from http to https protocol.
This change should not typically effect your use of WOUDC services, except that you should update your bookmarks and address references from http to https, for example, http://woudc.org becomes https://woudc.org. When accessing the website, http://woudc.org will be automatically forwarded to https://woudc.org, but we still recommend updating your bookmarks and references to https. Users accessing WOUDC data programmatically through Web services should manually update all their http address references to https.
Users are encouraged to provide feedback through the WOUDC contact form.
Upcoming maintenance
2018/01/27 system,site web,downtime
This site will experience interruptions on Sunday, January 28, 2018 from 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. EST while we make a few improvements.
New Release: Data Format Convertors, WIGOS, DOI enhancements
2017/04/05 wigos,doi,formats,qa
The 1.18 release provides the following enhancements:
- format conversion tools are now available initially providing support for converting SHADOZ, NASA AMES, BAS into Extended CSV in support of data submissions
- Quality assessment enhancements for Spectral data
- enhanced DOI support: DOIs are now available for all WOUDC datasets
- WIGOS support for station and instrument metadata
Users are encouraged to provide feedback through the WOUDC contact form.
New Release: RocketSonde data, Data Search Enhancements, Contributor Guide Updates
2016/12/15 rocketsonde,software,standards,guidebook
The 1.16 release provides the following enhancements:
- RocketSonde data now available
- Data Search / Download enhancements: search across datasets
- the Contributor Guide is now available on the web at http://guide.woudc.org
- a Standards page has been added providing an overview of WOUDC's implementation of international standards
- a Software repository is available providing free tools for Ozone/UV data processing as well as working with WOUDC's web services
Users are encouraged to provide feedback through the WOUDC contact form.
Website Maintenance and Downtime 02 November 2016
2016/11/01 maintenance,downtime
Please note that there will be a maintenance window from 02 November 2016, 1200-2100 UTC to perform system maintenance. Some functionality will be unavailable during this time.
Website Maintenance and Downtime
2016/10/15 maintenance,downtime
Please note that there will be a maintenance window from October 18, 2100 UTC to October 19, 1200 UTC to perform system maintenance. Some functionality will be unavailable during this time.
New Release: Quality Assessment, Dataset Snapshots, Ozonesonde Flight Plots
2016/09/17 qa,snapshots,ozonesonde
The 1.14.0 release provides the following enhancements:
Users are encouraged to provide feedback through the WOUDC contact form.
Contributor FTP Decommissioning
2016/07/21 decommissioning,ftp
WOUDC accounts on the FTP site ftp.tor.ec.gc.ca for submitting data will be closed on
31 August 2016. Please use the new FTP site at ftp.woudc.org for all WOUDC data submissions.
Contact WOUDC if you have not received a new password for ftp.woudc.org.
New Updates and Enhancements
2016/06/02 data validation,search,graphs,FTP,WAF
Users are encouraged to provide feedback through the
WOUDC contact form.
Guidebook and Dataset Information
2015/12/10 guide,data access,WAF,FTP
WOUDC Guidebook has been renewed and a new
Dataset Information page has been added. While the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site for accessing data is still available, it is no longer updated or supported. See the
Data Access page for other options for accessing data. Users are encouraged to provide feedback through the
WOUDC contact form.
UV Index and Data Access FTP Migration
2015/10/01 UV Index,WAF,FTP
A beta version of the UV Index dataset is now available on the
Data Search / Download page (see
UVIndex for additional information). The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site for accessing data is targeted for decommissioning in
December 2015 and has been replaced by a Web Accessible Folder (WAF) (see the
WAFHowto for help). Users are encouraged to provide feedback through the
WOUDC email address.
Legacy FTP and Website Decommissioning
2015/07/07 decommissioning,ftp
As part of WOUDC renewal, the data centre is targeting decommissioning of the legacy website in August 2015 and the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site for accessing data in December 2015. The FTP site has been replaced by a
web accessible folder (WAF), which provides various advantages over an FTP site and makes available a straightforward transition (see the
WAFHowto for help). Users are encouraged to provide feedback through the WOUDC
email address.
New Website
2015/02/03 new website,renewal
Welcome to the renewed WOUDC! Improved data access is one of the major enhancements (see
data access summary page for details). As part of the transition the
legacy WOUDC will continue to be available for a short period of time. Users are encouraged to provide feedback through the WOUDC
email address.