Data Use Policy

Use of the WOUDC data are governed by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) data policy and WMO Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) data use policy.

World Meteorological Organization Data Policy

The WMO facilitates the free and unrestricted exchange of data and information, products and services in real or near-real time on matters relating to safety and security of society, economic welfare and the protection of the environment.

Resolution 40 (Cg-XII): WMO policy and practice for the exchange of meteorological and related data and products including guidelines on the relationships in commercial meteorological activities.

Global Atmosphere Watch Data Use Policy

Use of data obtained from one of the WMO GAW World Data Centres (WDC) is subject to the following statement endorsed by the WMO Executive Council and the Commission for Atmospheric Sciences (EC/CAS) panel of experts working group on environmental pollution and atmospheric chemistry [WMO, 2001a].:

WMO Policy Statement

For scientific, educational and policy related use, access to these [GAW] data is unlimited and provided without charge. By their use you accept that an offer of co-authorship will be made through personal contact with the data providers or owners whenever substantial use is made of their data. In all cases, an acknowledgment must be made to the data providers or owners and to the data centre when these data are used within a publication.

Digital Object Identifiers (DOI)

WOUDC has registered DOIs for both Ozone and UV data. DOIs are persistent identifiers that allow research data to be accessible and citable. They make research data easier to access, reuse and verify, thereby making it easier to build on previous work, conduct new research and avoid duplicating already existing work.

WOUDC Digital Object Identifiers (first order)

  • Ozone: doi:10.14287/10000001
  • UV Radiation: doi:10.14287/10000002

WOUDC Digital Object Identifiers (datasets)

  • Total Ozone - Daily Observations: doi:10.14287/10000004
  • Total Ozone - Hourly Observations: doi:10.14287/10000003
  • Lidar: doi:10.14287/10000007
  • OzoneSonde: doi:10.14287/10000008
  • UmkehrN14 (Level 1.0): doi:10.14287/10000005
  • UmkehrN14 (Level 2.0): doi:10.14287/10000006
  • RocketSonde: doi:10.14287/10000009
  • Broadband: doi:10.14287/10000012
  • Multiband: doi:10.14287/10000010
  • Spectral: doi:10.14287/10000011
  • UV Index: doi:10.14287/10000013

Publishing Data

When publishing data retrieved from the WOUDC you are expected to acknowledge the contributors who author these data as the data source and the WOUDC, using the appropriate citation as per the example provided.

Example (1): Citation for ozone data originating (contributed) from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and NASA (NASA-WFF) retrieved from the WOUDC site

JMA, & NASA-WFF. World Meteorological Organization-Global Atmosphere Watch Program (WMO-GAW)/World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC) [Data]. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from doi:10.14287/10000001

Example (2): Citation for data originating (contributed) from a large number of organizations retrieved from the WOUDC site

a) WMO/GAW Ozone Monitoring Community, World Meteorological Organization-Global Atmosphere Watch Program (WMO-GAW)/World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC) [Data]. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from A list of all contributors is available on the website. doi:10.14287/10000001
b) WMO/GAW UV Radiation Monitoring Community, World Meteorological Organization-Global Atmosphere Watch Program (WMO-GAW)/World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC) [Data]. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from A list of all contributors is available on the website. doi:10.14287/10000002

For a complete list of all contributors refer to the contributor list.

Publishing Products

When publishing products extracted from WOUDC such as graphs, lists, maps or metadata you are expected to acknowledge the WOUDC, as the data and produce source, using the appropriate citation, as per the example provided.

Example (3): Citation for products originating from the WOUDC site

Environment and Climate Change Canada, Toronto (n.d.). World Meteorological Organization-Global Atmosphere Watch Program (WMO-GAW)/World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC). Retrieved October 24, 2013, from