The map of the surrounding of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, map.asc, contains 4 columns. Those 4 numbers describe a map pixel with a length of half a minute in east-west and north-south direction. This equals a side-length of approximately 916m NS and 626m EW. The 4 columns are: geographical longitude in degrees (East positive), geographical latitude in degrees (North positive), average altitude of the pixel over sea level in meters, land use category (majority value) in numbers. The following land use categories are distinguished 1:urban 2:agriculture 3:grassland 4:deciduous forest 5:coniferous forest 6:mixed forest 7:water 8:marsh or wetland 9:desert, sand,open spaces with little or no vegetation 10:tundra 11:ice 12:tropical or subtropical forest 13:scrub and/or herbaceous vegetation associations 14:missing data 15:missing data If you use this map for any publication, written or otherwise, please quote: Renate Koeble, Gerhard Smiatek: "Land use data" in: Vol.7 of the Eurotrac Series 1996, "Tropospheric Modelling and Emission Estimation" Eds. Peter Borrell, Patricia M. Borrell, Tomislav Cvitas, Kerry Kelly and Wolfgang Seiler, p. 261-267.