Description of AOD Files Filenames AAMMDDi.AOD where AA is 2 digit year MM is 2 digit month DD is 2 digit day i is a index to distinguish the different locations of the mobile sunphotometer In the file 6 headerlines to remind the calibration site 5 headerlines to mocate the measuring site 1 headerline to describe the 9 columns column description 1 Date DD/MM/AA 2 Time UT in decimal hour 3 Measure AOD at 1020 nm 4 Measure AOD at 860 nm 5 Measure AOD at 670 nm 6 Measure AOD at 440 nm 7 Ansgtrom coefficient Alpha 8 Calculate AOD at 1000 nm 9 Correlation coefficient with the Angstrom Law Grenoble, 1999, November, the 16th Dominique Masserot