From: Garcia, Raul L. [] Sent: October 3, 2008 1:20 PM Subject: RE: Datos Proyecto Ozono Antártida - Uruguay Uruguay Antarctic Brewer maintenaince tasks ans schedule at STN351, King George Island December 2007 Antarctic´s Brewer is reinstaled after being calibrated months prior at RBCC-E on the Atmosferic Observatory in Izaña, Tenerife. Daily Data check and back up with specific software for that matter, equipment´s date and time check and actualization if needed, humidity sensors check, UV dome and O3 cleanse as well as connectors general state and equipment general functionality. Weekly/ Sun alignment, instrument leveling check and UV calibration´s stability check. Bi-weeklys Also, the entire ammount of information obtained is sent in real time to Izaña, for its revision and check, after its official distribution.