Scientific Sponsorship Statement - SSS_UMAG.TXT


Laboratory of Ozone and UVR, Universidad de Magallanes

Punta Arenas, Chile



1.      Data Set Description


Instrument:                   Brewer MKIII Spectrophotometer

Serial number:  No. 180

Site:                             Punta Arenas Station, Chile (Lat. 53,14S; Lon. 70.88W)

Altitude:                       Sea level

Measurement:              Total Ozone Column, Ultraviolet radiation.

PI:                               Claudio Casiccia S.


2.      Instrument History


The Brewer MKIII Spectrophotometer MKIII, serial number 180 was installed on February 2002. During 2004 it was in the factory Delft (The Netherlands) to repair and calibration.


3.      Calibration


In Situ, January 14-22, 2003, Sci Tec, Albert Maione

Delft, July, 2004, Kipp & Zonen.

In Situ, December 22, International Ozone Service (IOS), Ken Lamb.


4.      Data Usage Permission


The use of data has to follow the general rules of the WOUDC. Please to use the Punta Arenas data contact us. Notifications of analysis work in progress are very welcome. The Laboratory of Ozone and RUV of the University of Magallanes asks for a copy of any publication using data from Punta Arenas station. Non-scientific use without an explicit permission from the Magallanes University is prohibited.


5.      Contact Information


Name:              Dr. Claudio Casiccia S.

Address:          Laboratory of Ozone and RUV

                        University of Magallanes

                        Avda. Bulnes 01855

                        Casilla 113-D

                        Punta Arenas


Phone:             56-61-207049

Fax.                 56-61-219276

Email:      ;


6.      Publication and Reference Articles


Casiccia, C.; Kirchhoff, V.W.J.H ; Torres, A C., “Simultaneous measurements of ozone and ultraviolet radiation: spring 2000, Punta Arenas, Chile, J. Atmos. Env. 37(3):383-389, 2003.


Kirchhoff, V.W.J.H.; Alves, J.R.; Da Silva, F.R.; Motta, A.G.; Chagas, J.R.; Zamorano,  F.;  Casiccia, C. The Brazilian network of stratospheric ozone monitors:  Observations of the 1992 ozone hole. Revista Brasileira de Geofísica,  11 (2):     205 - 213,  1993.


Kirchhoff, V.W.J.H.; Casiccia, C.; Zamorano, F. The Ozone Hole over Punta Arenas,  Chile,  J. Geophys. Res., vol 102, no D7:8945-8953, April 20, 1997.


Kirchhoff, V.W.J.H.; Zamorano, F.; Casiccia, C. UV-B Enhancements at Punta Arenas,  Chile, J.Photochem. Photobiol. B,.vol. 38: 174-177, 1997.


Kirchhoff, V.W.J.H.; Casiccia, C.; Zamorano, F.; Y. Sahai; Valderrama, V. Observations of the 1995 ozone hole over Punta Arenas,  Chile, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 102, no D13:16109-16120, July 20, 1997.