From: George Janson [] Sent: September 1, 2004 11:42 AM To: Hare,Ed [Ontario] Subject: Alaska site -- wildfire smoke chronology Ed -- Here's some clarification about the Alaska data for June, July, August 2004 and likely for the balance of the year until the snow flies up there -- the persistent wildfires have burned over 6 million acres (2.5 million hectares), the largest acreage since record keeping began, with PFRR and Fairbanks getting smoke no matter what direction the wind blows. The data is valid, it's just seeing an excessive amount of smoke. Alaska UV-B site at Poker Flat Research Range (PFRR) --- wildfire smoke chronology --- Sunday 13 June 2004 -- lightning ignites Boundary Fire, ~26 miles east of PFRR Tue-Wed 15-16 June -- annual site visit (exchange UV-MFRSR head) Tuesday 22 June 2004 -- wind shift and increase from NE drives Boundary and Wolf Creek wildfires down valleys toward Fairbanks, filling air around PFRR and Fairbanks with heavy smoke Tuesday 29 June -- Boundary Wildfire overruns PFRR 4-10 July -- smoke in PFRR / Fairbanks vicinity begins to clear out 10-23 July; 6-12 August; 16-23 August -- intense smoke episodes from new fires within 30 miles invades PFRR / Fairbanks areas, with residual smoke continuing to present, 1 September 2004 See attached image. George