Brewer Instruments 16 & 178 --------------------------- * Verion 1.0 is based on the calibration of the instrument as * described by De Backer and De Muer [JGR, 96, 20711-20719, 1991] * and confirmed by calibration visit in Sep 1994 * Calibration level adjusted following SL readings * Verion 1.0 is based on the calibration of the instrument as * described by De Backer and De Muer [JGR, 96, 20711-20719, 1991] * and confirmed by calibration visit in Sep 1994 * result calibration visit IOS in May 2003 taken into account * result calibration visit IOS in May 2006 taken into account * Calibration level adjusted following SL readings Dobson Instrument #040 ---------------------- Staring from 1971 * Verion 1.0 includes the adjustments following WMO calibrations * up to June 2000 (IC MOHp2000-I) * Calibration level adjusted following SL readings * Data are corrected for SO2 influence * [De Muer and De Backer, JGR, 95, 11903-11911, 1990]