Dear Ed, I have analyzed data of ozonesoundings against diagnostics I obtained from you and found that with one exception (ln07022611.csv), the problem is invariably associated with gaps in ozone. On the 26th of February 2007 Poland was under influence of the polar vortex with extremely strong winds in the middle startosfere. Large gradients in total ozone field over Central Europe could be seen. Therefore, the values of wind speed and Dobson correction 0.9 seem to be acceptable. A detailed analysis of one ozonesounding performed on the 4th of April has been performed. A simulation showed several layers with gaps in ozone between 14697m and 16383m a.s.l. The simulation also showed that there were problems with telemetry and gaps occurred as well in PTU data. I suspect that there is a bug in the conversion program (sndpro 1.321). The bug is probably asociated with the value of -327.68 (please look for it into file ln07040411.csv) ( as far as I remember the value of -32768 is reserved to code numeric overflow). I am afraid that at the moment I can do nothing about it since I have neither acces to source code of the program nor to the documentation of the binary files ('s','z'). So, if you have possibilities, I kindly ask you to try and find the bug, recompile the program and send it back to me. To run the program please find attached two binary files ('s' , 'z'). The binary files are obtained with DigiCORA III ,SPS220 system and radiosondes RS92SGPW/ECC6. To make the 's' and 'z' files we rename special.spf (for raw PTU and special sensor data) and ozone.spf (for EDT and calculated ozone data), respectively. While making neccesary changes in the conversion program I think it is worth to interpolate ozone values for standard pressure levels, and to mark the values at the tropopause, as it was done before. The inclusion of ozone values at 925hPa and 850hPa levels would be interesting to see changes in the low tropospheric ozone. I would also like to inform you that in the previous years we had even more serious problems with ozonesoundings. Signal from ozonesonde launched at Legionowo was lost at random height (most often in cold season) with no ozone data higher up. In such cases usually the PTU data were reported normally up to the balloon burst level. In that way we have lost many valuable ozonesoundings, some performed on alert basis for the Match campaigns. We have informed Vaisala about our difficulties, but the reason is still the mistery. Fortunately, recent changes in Vaisala radiosounding system has improved the situation: in cases of gaps in ozone data, the rest of ozone data is now stored normally. Ozone gaps have been found recently: in November (Ln07112811.csv) and December (Ln07120511.csv, Ln07121911.csv). As I mentioned last time, I am the Scientific Authority for ozonesoundings performed at Legionowo since 2007. To reflect this I am sending again results of our ozonesoundings, this time for extended period 02-12.2007. I hope that my remarks will soon help to solve the problem of ozone gaps. Best regards, Bogdan -- ********************* Mr Bogumil Kois Institute of Meteorology and Water Management Centre of Aerology Zegrzynska 38 05-119 Legionowo Poland e-mail: tel: +4822 7673118 fax: +4822 7742746 ************************