STN031 Mauna Loa, Hawaii (USA) - Umkehr Data Revisions ------------------------------------------------------ Early in January 2005, MLO Umkehrs from 1984 through 2003 were resubmitted to the WODC archives. Umkehr Data between 28 June 1992 and 10 May 1994 was reprocessed to take in to account two N-table changes that were previously not applied. The "synthetic" TO3 observations for 1984 through 1995 were reprocessed in the same manner as routine ozone observations using N-tables and lamps as defined by Walter Komhyr's reprocessing report. The Total Ozone amount for all Umkehr observations was replaced with what was known to be the best possible available as of January 2005. G. Carbaugh, NOAA-CMDL April 27, 2005