Concerning both the total ozone and Umkehr measurement at l'Observatoire de Haute Provence, France (station 40): The site was struck by lighting in October 1999. The instrument was not visually damaged and was operational but the associated systems were not working. The site and equipment was not completely repaired until August 2000. In September 2002, the site was again damaged in a thunderstorm. This time the instrument was rained on when winds blew the zenith hatch open. The instrument was put back in operation, but the extent of damage was not fully known until July 2003. At an intercomparison of Dobson instruments in Arosa, Switzerland, the instrument was opened and multiple problems related to the rain, and possibly as far back as the lightning strike, were found and repaired. Data from October 1999 through July 2003 are thus suspect. Note that in the intercomparison, the instrument total ozone measurements were very close to but "noisier" than those from the European standard on the average. - R.D. Evans, NOAA-CMDL August 2003