Data Revisions for Arrival Heights Dobson Total Ozone (Station 268) (January 1988 - July 2006) The Arrival Heights Dobson total ozone data have been revised in November 2007 to: 1. Include cloud corrections for all ADZC and CDZC observations. 2. Include ADZC and CDZC data which were not reported for period 1988-1992. 3. Correct errors in some of the date/times for moon observations reported using the "old format" in data up to 1997. 4. Correct the Station altitude (which is 184 metres, not 250 as previously reported). 5. Submit data for September 1993, which was inadvertantly not submitted before. 6. All data have been processed with Bass-Paur coefficients. Sylvia Nichol 15/11/2007