Agency Name | Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service |
Agency Acronym | LHMT |
Mailing Address | 6 Rudnios street Vilnius LITHUANIA LT-09300 | | |
Phone Number | (370-5)275 8228 |
Fax Number | (370-5)272 8874 |
Contact Person(s) | Marija Jonavičienė |
Station Name | Kaunas |
Latitude | 54.88 |
Longitude | 23.83 |
Elevation | 76 m |
Mean Pressure | 1005 hPa (at station level) |
Instrument Descritption | |
Instrument type | Solar Light |
Model and serial number | 501A-4399 |
Instrument Description (include spectral range or wawelengths and pass-band(s)) |
Broadband erythemal |
Observation Program and Schedule | |
Type of Measurement | Global erythemal (meds h-1) |