20080703 06:46:56 -- start of session brewer_process.exe -- 20080703 06:46:56 Settings 20080703 06:46:56 'bdms_metafile' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software\bdmsmetafile.csx' 20080703 06:46:56 'bformx_csx' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software\bformx.csx' 20080703 06:46:56 'brewer' = '44' 20080703 06:46:56 'cosine_corr' = '1' 20080703 06:46:56 'dir_bfiles_const' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software\ic' 20080703 06:46:56 'dir_bfiles_ndfil' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software\ndfil' 20080703 06:46:56 'dir_bfiles_sl' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software\sltest' 20080703 06:46:56 'dir_correction' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software\corrected_data' 20080703 06:46:56 'dir_data' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software\data' 20080703 06:46:56 'dir_o3uv' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software\o3uv' 20080703 06:46:56 'dir_output' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software\output' 20080703 06:46:56 'dir_uvr' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software\uvr' 20080703 06:46:56 'ds_mu_max' = '4.0' 20080703 06:46:56 'ds_ozone_std_max' = '5.0' 20080703 06:46:56 'exclude_file' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software\exclude.txt' 20080703 06:46:56 'file_normal_ozone' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software\norms.dat' 20080703 06:46:56 'fm_mu_max' = '3.0' 20080703 06:46:56 'fm_ozone_std_max' = '12.0' 20080703 06:46:56 'ghostscript' = '"C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.54\bin\gswin32c.exe"' 20080703 06:46:56 'ozone_maps_dir' = '' 20080703 06:46:56 'run_ozone' = 'no' 20080703 06:46:56 'run_uv' = 'yes' 20080703 06:46:56 'sl_sigma_max' = '40.0' 20080703 06:46:56 'software_dir' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software' 20080703 06:46:56 'stray_light_corr' = '3' 20080703 06:46:56 'uv_400_mean' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software\o3uv\lmean400.dat' 20080703 06:46:56 'uv_400_o3corr' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software\o3uv\o3corr.dat' 20080703 06:46:56 'uv_400_sigma' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software\o3uv\lsigma400.dat' 20080703 06:46:56 'uv_400_so2' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software\o3uv\so2295st.dat' 20080703 06:46:56 'uv_400_straylight' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software\o3uv\brewers.dat' 20080703 06:46:56 'uv_400_uv' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software\o3uv\lo3_uv400.dat' 20080703 06:46:56 'uv_400_w324' = 'c:\brewer_processing_software\o3uv\w324_cf.txt' 20080703 06:46:56 'year_end' = '1998' 20080703 06:46:56 'year_start' = '1998' 20080703 06:46:56 Settings in C:\Brewer_Processing_Software\setup.txt 20080703 06:46:56 Brewers: 44 20080703 06:46:56 Years to process: 1998 to 1998 20080703 06:46:56 Directories 20080703 06:46:56 Corrections: c:/brewer_processing_software/corrected_data/ 20080703 06:46:56 Data : c:/brewer_processing_software/data/ 20080703 06:46:56 Executables: c:/brewer_processing_software/ 20080703 06:46:56 Logs : c:/brewer_processing_software/output/logs/ 20080703 06:46:56 Output : c:/brewer_processing_software/output/ 20080703 06:46:56 Exclude file: c:/brewer_processing_software/exclude.txt 20080703 06:46:56 Reading metadata file c:\brewer_processing_software\bdmsmetafile.csx 20080703 06:46:56 Found 1 entries. 20080703 06:46:56 Bformx metafile: c:\brewer_processing_software\bformx.csx 20080703 06:46:56 IEM-SPA: data generation version 2.0; scientific authority: Nikolay Tereb 20080703 06:46:56 Find B and UV datafiles 20080703 06:46:56 Output ozone: c:/brewer_processing_software/output/ozone/filelist-o3.gpr 20080703 06:46:56 Output spectral: c:/brewer_processing_software/output/spectral/filelist-uv.gpr 20080703 06:46:56 Brewer 44 year 1998: Found 682 B and UV files 20080703 06:46:56 Found 344 B files and 338 UV files. 20080703 06:46:56 Creating UV 'gigabyte' data file. 20080703 06:48:12 Finished creating UV 'gigabyte' data file. 20080703 06:48:12 Creating CSV files for UV processing. 20080703 06:48:12 Processing c:/brewer_processing_software/output/spectral/uvspec.dat 20080703 06:48:29 Created 337 CSV files. 20080703 06:48:29 Getting normal ozone from c:\brewer_processing_software\norms.dat 20080703 06:48:31 Read 366 entries 20080703 06:48:31 Getting observed ozone from / 20080703 06:48:31 Read 0 entries 20080703 06:48:31 Creating YTD UV graphs 20080703 06:48:31 Station #307; year: 1998; Brewer #44; 337 csv files 20080703 06:48:52 4 graphs created. 20080703 06:48:52 Creating HTML index file for UV plots 20080703 06:48:52 HTML index file for UV plots written. 20080703 06:48:52 Creating daily UV summaries. 20080703 06:49:00 Finished creating daily UV summaries. 20080703 06:49:01 Creating daily UV summary files. 20080703 06:49:01 Processing c:/brewer_processing_software/output/spectral/dailyuv.txt 20080703 06:49:01 12 summary files created. 20080703 06:49:01 Skipping ozone processing 20080703 06:49:01 -- end of session brewer_process.exe --