Bulgarian National Institute of HydroMeteorology (BNIHM) Instrument Information Update Stn132 Sofia Data for all years (1964-67, 1988-2000) originally posted on the WOUDC ftp site, have been replaced. The original data incorrectly reported a Dobson instrument (#000) in operation instead of a Filter ozonemeter. The changes are as follows: Temporal Range Instrument Serial Number 1964-1967 Filter M-83 Not available (na) 1988-2000-08 Filter M-124 Not available (na) 2000-09 Filter M-124 231 Note, two M-124 filter instruments have been used at Sofia station since 1988 (#231 and #251), but information concerning when these instruments were in use, is not available. - BNIHM and WOUDC (May 2003)